Accelerating the world’s transition to a sustainable bio-economy

We lead the biotech revolution in agriculture

Hudson River Biotechnology intends to deliver on the promise that crop improvement through biotechnology can address the demands of a resilient, sustainable bio-economy. We solve plant production challenges across the value chain by delivering technologies to develop and grow crops of higher quality, more efficiently and sustainably.

We have developed solutions to enhance the functions of plants using CRISPR based plant breeding and deliver agrochemical inputs efficiently through targeted, smart delivery systems. By providing these technologies to our partners, we contribute to improving plant yields while reducing the inputs necessary, ultimately decreasing agriculture’s environmental impact.

Our technologies

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HRB at ISF 2024 in Rotterdam

Clock’s ticking: International Seed Federation Congress is coming up. Who’s excited? We know we are! 🌍 ⏰ May 27th and 28th our Director of Sales

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HRB employs CRISPR-based gene editing for specific trait development. CRISPR can be used to target highly specific pieces of DNA while leaving the rest of the genome intact. This allows for very fast improvement of already carefully bred organisms. Our end to end workflow allows you to target different traits that could bring value for your business. We target both agronomic and consumer traits, examples include: